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150 Park Street West Unit# …
Windsor On
Beds: 2 | Baths: 2 | Apartment
2485 Dominion Boulevard
Windsor On
Beds: 4 | Baths: 2 | House
442 Askin Unit# Lower
Windsor On
Beds: 1 | Baths: 1 | Duplex
985 California Avenue Unit#…
Windsor On
Beds: 2 | Baths: 2 | House
V/l Brant Street
Windsor On
| No Building
5795 Tecumseh Road East
Windsor On

V/l Mulford
Windsor On
| No Building
5049 Tecumseh Road East
Windsor On

170 North Shore Road
Pelee Island On
Beds: 5 | Baths: 2 | House
1331 Victoria Unit# Lower
Windsor On
Beds: 2 | Baths: 1 | House
1331 Victoria Unit# Upper
Windsor On
Beds: 4 | Baths: 2 | House
4665 Malden
Windsor On
Beds: 3 | Baths: 1

I had the pleasure of working with Mustapha. He was very diligent about our needs that helped us make the right choice as first time home buyers. He went above and beyond for us during showings and helped us identify flaws in the home. Due to limitations on my travel, homes had to be viewed virtually through facetime, and with at most confidence in his judgment, I got my house as expected. All the closing procedure was online with him handling the legwork for me and I physically saw the house on a moving day. He also helped me move in and followed up with me after that day to check if everything was going as I had expected. I am more than happy with my purchase thanks to Mustapha. I will definitely recommend him for all your home buying needs.

- Muhash Sanjofy

“We are very happy to have found our perfect first home! Mustapha Sinjari is an outstanding Realtor and was a perfect match for our family. Being first-time home buyers we were very excited and nervous throughout the process, but he made sure that we were aware of all our options. Not only did Mustapha show us the houses we wanted to see, but he always had more houses lined up for us to check out! Mustapha made sure we didn’t settle and allowed us to pick a house that matches our checklist 100%. In an unpredictable market, he made us feel secure in our decisions. Thank you so much for everything!”

- Waji & Syeda